Year 2 Home Learning Page
Welcome to the Year Two home learning page. It is designed to help you support your child during these difficult and unprecedented times if they are unable to attend school. We have attached a Year Two curriculum summary for Reading, Writing and Mathematics so that you are aware of the National Curriculum expectations for our year group.
Maths expectation Reading expectation Writing expectation
Quick Links to Learning Platforms
All children should have their individual logins at home for the following learning platforms and should be using these regularly:
Click on the link and use your individual login details for games and activities.
Spelling List Term 1 Spelling List Term 2 Spelling List Term 3
Spelling List Term 4 Spelling List Term 5 Spelling List Term 6
Year One Maths Fact Fluency revisionYear Two Maths Fact Fluency
Please feel free to e-mail us at any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can find our e-mail addresses below.
If your child has completed work that they would like to show us, please upload it onto Tapestry using the link below.
Tapestry Home Learning Link Tapestry : Guide for parents
It is very important that your child continues to read at home daily for approximately 20 minutes. Log into Bug Club using the link above. Choose a story to read. Answer the questions using the text to help you. Make sure you send the bugs to sleep!
All parents and carers should have received an email from Mrs Vieitez with passwords and login details for Yumu - a free music learning website. You will have access to keyboard, guitar, violin and recorder lessons, as well as songs and musical games.
Year Two Teacher emails
Teacher emails
Mrs Karen Russell (Angelfish)
Mrs Amy Dower (Angelfish)
Mrs Aimee Clear (Clownfish)
Mrs Adele De Gouveia (Clownfish)
Miss Mia Skevington (Jellyfish)