Cradle Hill Community Primary School

Update - School Funding Campaign

Dear Parents/Carers


Firstly, thank you for the support that you gave to Headteachers who campaigned for improved school funding at Westminster on Friday 28 September.  Over 2000 head teachers attended in London with many more supporting their actions too. 


It is clear from the emails that colleagues and I received as well as conversations on the school gate, that parents overwhelmingly support the need for much improved investment in our schools.   As soon as we receive a reply from the chancellor, we will let you know. I am sure everyone will watch with interest to see how he responds to our requests during the Autumn Statement (Budget) on Monday 29 October.


Following recent headlines, Headteachers across the country hope very much that the Government and the Department for Education, in particular, will avoid providing parents and the wider public with misleading information about spending on schools.  This week’s letter click here to the Department of Education from the UK Statistics Authority underlines all of the points that Worth Less? have repeatedly stated to parents over the past three years.


 “I am sure you (The Department for Education) share my concerns that instances such as these do not help to promote trust and confidence in official data, and indeed risk undermining them.”  

Sir David Norgrove – Head of the UK Statistics Authority (8/10/18)


It is unfortunately incorrect to suggest that Government spending on schools is much higher than in other comparable countries; in order to make this claim the Department for Education included spending made by families on university tuition fees (loans to students) and independent (private) school fees.  This adds billions of pounds to headline data but has absolutely no effect on funding received by schools. 


Parents have also asked how they can support the drive for improved funding.  In light of this we are able to let you know that parent groups have lobbied parliament (10 October) and there will also be a national day of parental action on 19 October.  For more information about 19 October, please search #parentsteachersunite on Twitter or Facebook.  


We would again like to thank you for your support and confirm that our campaign will remain reasonable and determined with a single goal of ensuring that every school and pupil receive a much better deal in the near future.


Best wishes


Mrs Andrea Keith


Cradle Hill Community Primary School

Tel: 01323 892773